Friday, March 21, 2008

Don't worry, I'll pick up the Bill

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson's endorsement of me today has been picking up a lot of press although I can't imagine why. Could it be that the news media has a big group fetish for back stabbing? Nah, couldn't be. Mark Penn certainly doesn't agree and who could possibly know better eh? This from the guy who tried to disown his influence in her campaign after he almost killed it. Twice.

I mean, here's a guy that served as President Clinton's Energy Secretary AND Ambassador to the United Nations. More importantly he's got the kinda clout that can force Bill to endure what he obviously feels is torture on the scale of water-boarding, watching the Super Bowl. NOW who's un-American huh Billary? Whatsamatta you don't like football? What are you a communist?

Maybe he was just tired of telling Bill that he loves his secret superbowl recipe spare ribs. I can understand, I had to choke em down too. They were awful. Too much chipotle.

Still, appearing on stage today with him was great. We talked about our funny names, mixed heritage and backwards parents. He even admitted he wasn't paying attention at the debate because he didn't expect to get called on. He said I was a great guy for letting him know the question was about Katrina, letting him ramble out his talking points.

I didn't have the heart to tell him they really asked about his U.N. experience, mostly because it didn't matter anyway. No one was paying attention to his answer then and no one seems to be paying attention now. In fact, Hil was the only one that seemed to notice he started babbling about rising flood waters and the National Guard when asked about International negotiations.

Me: "Can you believe this guy?"
"You're so bad." She says.

Still, she's trying to act this one doesn't sting even though we all know it does. To rub even more salt in the wound he tells Olbermann tonight he almost endorsed her! Ouch! But enough about Governor Bill, he's a big softie and you gotta like that. It's truly amazing he's made it this far in politics being that honest. Now I just have to buy him a razor because that chin fleece has got to go.

So how do I get Edwards to see the light? He says he's holding out for veep but I think I can talk him down to Attorney General. What do you think?

Fauxbama out.