I'm not happy that these guys lost their jobs either, they were probably put up to it by Rove or someone even more Evil. Yes, there are more evil people out there. It's scary, I know.
On other matters, Hil keeps harping about Michigan and Florida. I wish she would let this drop, honestly. It's not what you think either. Truth is, I'm trying to be NICE to her and she doesn't seem to know what she's getting herself in to.
I mean, does she really think that she would gain any ground with a re-vote in the big MI? Good God she nearly lost to "uncommitted" the last time around! Sheesh!
As for Florida, well, maybe. I'm not sure what the decepticon government has been putting in the drinking water but people there have been acting a bit odd in recent years. Still, they just haven't seen enough of the O-man yet. I'd say bring it on but Chucky Crist won't let it happen anyway.
The real deal is she doesn't want a re-vote, she wants the old vote. And THAT I won't let happen. Not this time Hil. Why oh why didn't you run in 2004? That's when the Dems needed a bulldog. I can see now that you would have done what Kerry didn't have the stones to, go really, really negative. But that's not what's gonna beat McCain. Style will. Now I'm here and I ain't leaving so just get the frig out ok? O-k.
Now the most important issue on my mind, Brackets! The pundits have been pouring over my picks all day. Did I pick North Carolina because of the upcoming primary? Uh, this is b-ball baby, it's important. I wouldn't do that. I chose NC cause they got a BIG boy over there. Duh! Look, I know this stuff people! I got judgment!
Besides, can any other Presidential Candidate do this?