For example:
"Have you ever milked a cobra before?"
"Well, no. But I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!"
Experience isn't everything however. In fact, when you're running for President, too much experience can actually disqualify you. Like 8 years experience for instance. So when you base your candidacy on how experienced you are, maybe you should expect people to ask questions.
No one ever doubted that being First Lady would give you a bit of insight into what the White House can be like. Yet, is it unfair to point out that she was not, in fact, the President? Nor a member of any official post elected or appointed? The press seems to think it's relevant.
So when Hillary started to claim all kinds of involvement and responsibilities during her husband's administration, a lot of people had to wonder if some of this stuff was stretching the truth just a bit. Like, oh I dunno, negotiating peace between Ireland and the Brits. Just off the top of my head.
When she recalled a truly hair raising episode of landing in Bosnia under "sniper fire" though, few had any reason to doubt it, including me. I mean, sounds logical enough, that place was friggin' cra-zy. So crazy violent in fact, some nosy journalist asked why she would be sent to such a place instead of the President? Her answer? "The determination was made that it was too dangerous to risk the President's life." Hmm. Too dangerous for Bill so he sent his wife and teenage daughter instead. What? It's exactly what I would have done!
Yep, when the video of this harrowing landing finally surfaced your can clearly see...well...a pretty nice little welcoming actually. In between "running with her head down to sanctuary" she was soo heroic she even stopped to say hi to an 8 year girl some reckless parent let out to skip around in sniper fire. Backing her up the whole time was Chelsea, I guess the women really do have the balls in that family.
When the press was rude enough to point out that her recollection and reality seemed to be at odds she said "Well, I remembered something different. It shows I'm human." Human. The jury may still be out on that one but it does at least show she possesses an undeniably human trait, resume padding. Who knows, maybe she was just having some fun with us and pulling our leg. A joke if you will. C'mon, she's a kidder!
I think I'm coming around to this scenario. It seems to be in her DNA:

Fauxbama out.