As you would probably expect, I have a comment. Let's put aside for a moment the fact that James Carville is a shape shifter. You know, one of those reptillian aliens that live beneath the earth's crust? Yeah them. Haven't heard of the reptilian conspiracy yet? Dude, it's called YouTube, look it up. You might have seen me winning like a bazillion primaries on it. Like I said, let's not go there just at this moment.
You see, metaphors can be powerful things. Powerful, dangerous things. They allow the speaker to quickly illustrate a point that can be tedious to verbalize, letting the listener form a connection between an event or concept they're not sure what they think about yet to an event or concept in which they have already formed definite feelings on.
Yet metaphors, like a double-edged sword, can cut both ways. They can backfire and shoot the speaker in the foot...so to speak. The verbal recoil, to coin a phrase, can knock a fork-tongued serpent off his pedestal and drown him in the mud, dragging him right off his over-pedantic high horse. If you follow.

So let's examine this one for sec. Gollum over here, says Richardson is Judas and implies he must have received thirty pieces of silver.
Who then, in this exercise, is Jesus? The betrayed is most assuredly Hillamonster...I for one had no idea he felt that strongly about her. Thirty pieces of silver not quite having the buying power it might once have commanded, must be a political favor from yours truly. So who am I a temple priest? Somehow I just can't see myself in those robes but, he wasn't talking fashion here I guess.
Still, something's missing here. Pontius Pilate. This could either be the media, or more likely, the voters. Wait a second. Did the lizard king just insinuate that Democratic voters killed Jesus? The record, I humbly submit, says he did. The media doesn't have the stomach for action, they let others do the killing. No, the media must be The Crowd and The Crowd, like alot of Congressman, just likes to watch.
Another conclusion this metaphor begs to extrapolate is that as Judas' actions led to the death of Christ, this must mean that Bill's endorsement is the death knell of the Clintonista's campaign. A public execution if you will. Hey, I didn't say it, go talk to alien boy if you got a problem with it. Is that what you were trying to say Jimmy?
Now you might be thinking: "Ah, so Hillary must rise from the dead then huh?" Sure, after a time. My calculations place that event happening somewhere around July. Just in time to disappear from the corporeal scene and go back to haunting a Senate seat representing the State of New York.
And Carville? He's the snake of course. No metaphor here, I mean, just look at him!

Told ya so.
Fauxbama out.