Ok, so a while back, the Kos posted a photo of me that he claimed the Clintonistas made darker and wider to make me look "blacker" and appear as if I had a wider nose.
Now, my first reaction was hey, these things happen. I do a little Photoshop too and know as well as any graphic designer that people's computers and monitors are all slightly different and hey, what's wrong with black anyway? Black is beautiful if you haven't heard.
This time however, I'm not so sure. I think this one just may have been manipulated:

(The original is on the left BTW)
How do I know? First of all, I would NEVER have worn that tie...
The thing that really gets my goat is this, if Hillary's stormtroopers really wanted people to see how good I look with a fro, why didn't they just show this pic?
I mean damn! How did the ladies keep their hands off of me?
(They didn't. That's how.)
The thing that really gets my goat is this, if Hillary's stormtroopers really wanted people to see how good I look with a fro, why didn't they just show this pic?

(They didn't. That's how.)
Oh, well. I didn't want to believe it. Hil's always so nice to me when I see her in person, like at those "debates" everyone seems to love so much. I think I'm gonna overlook this one for now. But I swear, if this happens again it's hardball time. I mean it. Don't make me post a pic like this one here: