That's right. Getting me in the White House by January.
And for that, a few things need to happen:
A #1 - Hill's gotta back off. It's been cute but the skys are darkening and Democratic hearts and minds are cynicising. Can't someone talk to her? Al? Dr. Dean? Anyone?? ... Bill??? C'mon guys. You know the rule. Bros before hos yo. C'mon nah. I didn't make it up.
B #2 - The media's got ta get back in line. What's the deal guys? I though we had an arrangement. I know you said you had to hit me for a while cause of SNL but I'm starting to think you don't like me anymore. That makes me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry...
C #3 - What's the dirt on McCain? I sent out a task force months ago and haven't heard from them since. I know his mercs aren't as good as mine so what's the dig? Is this Rove's doing? Man, I was warned but now I see the depth of his evil. I'm gonna need someone to run interference for me while I work on THE SECRET WEAPON. Don't worry, it's almost ready but it needs some tweaks to allow for the increased FUD levels of late. I guess even I can misunderestimate The Threat sometimes. So anyway, somebody stall Rove, please.
The sooner these things happen the sooner we can all relax OK PEOPLE? All right good talk. Good talk. I think we all know what we need to do so let's get it done. Break!
One more thing just for the motivation:

Man do I LOVE that picture.